New members are always welcome!
Whatever your interest in the Ashby Canal…
Boating • Walking • History • Angling • Photography • Restoration work parties • Maintenance of sites • Publicity and Promotion • Social events
… if you share our enthusiasm for protecting and enhancing the Ashby Canal please join us.
Members have a say in how the Association is run, and are eligible for election to the management committee. Members receive our magazine ‘SPOUT’ four times a year. A programme of illustrated talks and social events is organised throughout the winter months.
We are affiliated to the IWA and the AWCC.
Current membership rates:
- Single: £13
- Family (2 adults and 2 Children): £17
- Clubs & Societies: £30
- Single: £140
- Joint: £180
10 Years
- Clubs & Societies: from £180 (Contact for information)
Download the ACA Privacy Statement
Membership fees can be paid securely online via credit/debit card.
To join or renew online please click the button below:
Alternatively to join or renew by post please download & print the form from the link below. Once completed simply post it to our Membership Secretary along with your payment to the following address:
Cindy Aston, 11 Saxon Court, Leomansley View, Lichfield, Staffs, WS13 8AS
Combined Membership Application & GDPR Form from February 2020
Postal membership fees can be paid by cheque, cash or BACS.
Alternatively memberships & renewals can be made in person at Snarestone Wharf by cash or credit/debit card.
Gift Aid will make your subscription even more valuable to us.
Want to help us raise funds?
Please click on the link at the bottom of the page! By shopping online through Easyfundraising, participating retailers will donate a small sum of money to the ACA. This costs you nothing!